Anaesthesia Technology Market Assessment

Introduction Accelerate Associates delivered a global anaesthesia technology market assessment for SageTech Medical Equipment Ltd. SageTech specialises in the development of patented technology to reduce the environmental and financial costs associated with anaesthesia. The Brief SageTech required a global market assessment of the anaesthesia market to be completed in a specified timeframe. The main aim … Read more

Why we love working with MedTech SME’s

There are around 3,000 companies in the UK MedTech market, of which the majority of them are SMEs. Integral to this market are academic researchers, NHS clinicians, scientists, engineers and inventors resulting in an ecosystem that is ripe for innovation. Start-ups play a significant role in this market. Specialising in early stage medical technology assessments … Read more

Mapping the UK medical device market

Over the past few weeks the research team at Accelerate has been busy mapping the UK medical device manufacturing base. So far we have surveyed nearly 1000 companies to identify whether each company manufactures in the UK (rather than overseas), whether the items produced in the UK are finished goods or components and to identify … Read more

Improving market adoption of innovative medical devices

Accelerate Associates regularly examines the potential market opportunity for novel medical devices and diagnostic tools. The next stage is to take the product to market. There are generally five characteristics that affect the rate of adoption of innovative products. These are: Relative advantage: What benefits the innovation provides the user over existing technology Compatibility: How … Read more

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