Food supplements: Consumer buying trends
Accelerate Associates surveyed adults aged 18 years plus regarding their use of food supplements, reasons why supplements are used, brands, dose and dosage form and explored preferred sales channels.
Accelerate Associates surveyed adults aged 18 years plus regarding their use of food supplements, reasons why supplements are used, brands, dose and dosage form and explored preferred sales channels.
Accelerate Associates has published a new food supplements market research report that provides a unique insight into consumer use of food supplements in the UK.
Nutritional support is necessary for many hospitalised patients who should not, cannot or will not eat. Parenteral nutrition (PN) utilises specially formulated mixtures containing lipids, emulsions, and sources of nitrogen, electrolytes, vitamins, trace elements and sufficient calories to sustain a patient. PN is delivered directly into the patient’s bloodstream via a central venous catheter. Accelerate … Read more