A manufacturer of disposable laboratory ware and medical devices, based in South Wales. The client was keen to increase the pace of an established new product development programme in order to ensure continued success. Accelerate Associates was approached to provide specialist market research support to the product development team.
The Brief
The client had been approached to manufacture and distribute a medical device. Despite a wealth of market research data being made available by the intellectual property rights (IPR) owner, the client wanted an original and unbiased market research study undertaken. The device is currently available on the market, however, the client had not been able to substantiate the claims of the IPR owner as to the success to date of the device or ascertain the clinical need for the device.
Our Approach
- AA undertook a primary research project to collect original clinical opinion.
- The research examined key features and benefits of the device.
- AA investigated the likely route to market and how to improve sales of the device within the NHS.
- AA interviewed a number of key contacts from NHS Supply Chain in order to identify tender opportunities.
- The results were unable to substantiate the claims of the IPR owner.
- No clinical need could be identified for the product.
- Very low sales of the device were revealed by NHS Supply Chain.
- The production cost of the device was found to be prohibitive.
- The client accepted AA’s recommendation not to proceed with the license agreement.

Philippa Bevan has over 25 years commercial and public sector experience in marketing, market research and product management spanning the education, laboratory, medical device, technology transfer and packaging industries. Philippa has a BSc (Hons) in Microbiology and Virology and is a Chartered Marketer.