SwabTech Limited, a spin out from three NHS Trusts, is developing a device to automate the recovery of blood from surgical swabs in high blood loss surgery. The blood is subsequently processed via an intra-operative cell salvage system, for immediate infusion to the patient, providing an alternative to donated blood products and assisting the patient’s recovery.
“With this market assessment Accelerate Associates have provided a valuable addition to the clinical need and customer insight that is the foundation our technology development. Accelerate’s appreciation of the clinical community and environment led to rapid and valuable engagement, extending interest in our product and services.”
Marcus Orton, CEO, SwabTech Limited
The Brief
Accelerate Associates was commissioned by SwabTech to undertake a market assessment study to define; the UK and international market size and opportunity for automatic swab washing, understand the clinical disciplines most likely to use automated swab washing and determine the likely decision-making group structure and relevant communications and messaging routes to access key stakeholders.
Our Approach
Depth interviews were conducted with clinical and management level respondents focusing principally on transfusion and operating department practitioners, anaesthetists and theatre nurses. Questionnaires were designed to procure expert opinions regarding the potential market for the product, market needs and intelligence regarding the supply chain, market size and pricing for an automatic swab washer. Secondary research was also conducted to identify existing information on patient blood management, intra-operative cell salvage and manual swab washing.
Accelerate Associates provided SwabTech with an in depth report detailing the market size for intra-operative cell salvage and swab washing in the UK and internationally. The research focussed on the types of surgical specialities and procedures routinely using intra-operative cell salvage. In addition, depth questionnaires enabled a picture of the decision and buying group structures to be ascertained alongside marketing and communications intelligence to provide detail on key drivers for adopting the automatic swab washer.
Philippa Bevan has over 25 years commercial and public sector experience in marketing, market research and product management spanning the education, laboratory, medical device, technology transfer and packaging industries. Philippa has a BSc (Hons) in Microbiology and Virology and is a Chartered Marketer.